Testing My Skincare Products for BACTERIA! (Gross)

Time for an admission: I am freaked out by bacteria when it comes to my daily morning and nightly skincare routines. Obsessively wash my hands between each step, and touching anything potentially germ-filled (remotes, my phone, the faucet) is strictly off limits until every product from cleanser, to toner, to moisturizer and more has been applied and set with clean, dry hands.


But I always wondered: what about the bottles of skincare themselves? I definitely don’t wash them. The curiosity got the best of me and I had to know how warranted my fears of germs are. I purchased these agar coated petri dishes so I could take some swabs and see how much bacteria colonized within 48 hours. Here are the results

The Results

In Conclusion

True, I already pretty much knew the whole world was disgusting, but now I’ve proven it to myself. But in all honesty, I will probably be giving my skincare products a quick wipe with disinfectant every so often from now on, but I feel like cultivating bacteria on top of my cable box was strangely helpful!

EZ BioResearch
Buy on Amazon

I feel less afraid and mystified by the invisible world of germs out there, and more in control. If nothing else, my moisturizer has way less germs on it than the bottom of my running shoe!


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